Sometimes life just seems too busy, the expectations on all sides too much and your own thoughts and feelings overwhelming. How good when you realize in such moments that you have to comply and at the same time have techniques and methods ready to bring peace back into everyday life!

With her stress management courses and individual sessions, Ramona helps to do just that!

Toolbox against stress

pair of red and white low top sneakers

The course is based on scientific knowledge - Ramona teaches what exactly stress is, how it arises and then very practical considerations and exercises follow. Each participant explores individually what triggers stress in him or her, how to increase it yourself and finally which methods are personally effective for him or her to alleviate it!

So it's a hands-on course that leaves you with a box full of tools for various stressful situations, triggers, and coping strategies.

Subsidy by health insurance

Ramona, as a psychologist with further training as a stress management trainer, is certified for prevention or health courses and so there is a subsidy from statutory health insurance companies. How high this is, you can ask at the respective cash register.

dates and prices

A course consists of eight sessions of 90 minutes each and costs 150 euros. Here's how to register:

If there are any questions or technical difficulties, you can write to Ramona [email protected]. You can find more on their website:

individual sessions

If you don't want to work on your stress-related problems in a group or if you have the feeling that they still need individual and intensive attention, you can also book an individual session with Ramona!

Photo by Mateusz Dach on