We dedicate this half-hour neck, back and shoulders massage to the area that typically gets tense when you sit for a long time! From the neck to the middle back or - if desired - also to the lower back, these tensions are released. Gently but powerfully, we go deep into the individual points of tension during the massage.

The warmth, the massage technique and last but not least the Ayurveda herbal oils help to relax the muscles. The skin expels toxins and you finally feel looser, lighter and freer again! The movements relieve back pain and with regular use, it can even go away!

On request, we can also make an appointment with simple but very effective exercises that you can easily do in between. A few minutes a day will help to prevent the tension from arising again in the first place!

Do yourself a favor and come for a neck, back and shoulder massage!

Duration: 30 minutes
Cost: 45 euros

  • Neck, back and shoulders massage
  • Neck, back and shoulders massage
  • relieve tension

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