Ayurveda rental chef

The special Ayurveda chef in your home! Rent your Ayurveda chef for your home now! Be it for an event with work colleagues, a family celebration or even a romantic meal for…

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body type determination

body type determination

Ayurvedic body type determination is a very interesting way to find out more about yourself. Every person carries all the elements and therefore all three doshas of Ayurveda within themselves. However, at the same time…

Ayurveda immune system booster cure

Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, it has all been clear to us: we have to strengthen our immune system to ward off viruses like the Covid19 virus! So take care of your immune system! Detoxify and strengthen yourself...

Ayurveda cooking workshops

Anyone who is interested in Indian, vegetarian and Ayurvedic cuisine, enjoys cooking or would like to try something out at one of our Ayurveda dinners is welcome to…